
Timely, accurate, and objective information is critical!

Drawing upon open sources (OSINT) and closed-source, in-country human intelligence (HUMINT), we then synthesize that intelligence into:

1) Actionable analysis for engaging in new opportunities and mitigating existing and emerging threats and risks.

2) A strategic context that is often omitted from most threat-based analysis. We go beyond the “So What?”, using a unique zero-based analytic process and cognitive bias mitigation to deliver the best product possible.

Many private intelligence agencies collect basic information and call it “intelligence.” For example, “Organization X does Y in Z country.” Or, “Country X is dangerous for these reasons.” Or, “Your computer server was attacked from this IP address.” It’s good information, and companies spend a lot of money on it. But it leaves you asking, “So what?”

We go beyond the “So what?”. We determine what the information suggests is the most likely future. In cases where there are multiple likely futures, we lay out each of the scenarios and determine indicators to help you decide which future is actually materializing. Then we determine what each future means to you and give recommendations on how you can modify that future or adapt to it.

Nightwatch Report

Since 2014, ICARUS has provided a free daily compilation of the top terrorism, homeland security, and geopolitical news stories. Published as the “NIGHTWATCH” Report, the service has hundreds of subscribers and is often referred to as the “terrorism early bird”, in reference to the open source newsletter provided to senior government leaders each morning. If you are interested in terrorism, homeland security, or other international security issues, you will find it an invaluable resource.