Training & Simulations

We are experts in the fields of cyber security, strategic intelligence, international conflict, terrorism, and organized crime. With a mission of educating the public on emerging and evolving threats, ICARUS offers a broad spectrum of training services to government, law enforcement, organizations, and individuals.

We provide realistic and intensive exercises that simulate stressful situations to better educate and prepare for decisive action in:

— Surveillance/Counter-surveillance
— Counter-Espionage for Business Professionals
— Elicitation
— Social Engineering
— Open-Source Intelligence Training​
— Intelligence Analysis (online training available)
— Cyber Security and Digital Privacy (online training available)
— Red Teaming (online training available)
— Intelligence Writing, Briefing, and Critical Thinking (online training available)
— Leadership and Management

We also offer client-based, customized training that fit your specific requirements and deliver
instruction at your own location.

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